Thursday 28 November 2013

Difference between Array And ArrayList

Difference between Array And ArrayList

Array has a fixed length
it will grow as you ad elements to it
Array can store value  must be of similar data type  .
ArrayList value  may be differ it can store any object value
store value in contiguous memory location
store value in contiguous memory location
Array start with a index of 0
ArrayList start with a size of 0
In an array you have to track down yourself how many elements are in the array
you can always know how many elements contains an ArrayList by calling it's size() method
It does not Shrink
when you remove an element from an ArrayList it shrinks automatically

Iterator ListIterator and Enumeration

Iterator ListIterator and Enumeration

List Iterator
iterator was introduced after Enumerator

Enumeration is older and its there from JDK1.0
is Iterator has a remove() method
is ListIterator has a remove() method
while Enumeration doesn't.
Iterator we can manipulate the objects like adding and removing the objects from collection e.g. Arraylist.

Enumeration acts as Read-only interface, because it has the methods only to traverse and fetch the objects,
Iterator is more secure and safe as compared to Enumeration because it  does not allow other thread to modify the collection object while some thread is iterating over it and throws ConcurrentModificationException.
ListIterator is more secure and safe as compared to Enumeration because it  does not allow other thread to modify the collection object while some thread is iterating over it and throws ConcurrentModificationException
Less secure as compared to Iterator
Iterator interface methods:
LisIterator hods:

We can iterate only in one direction .
We can iterate in both direction .
We can iterate only in one direction .
Iteration can be done only once. If you reach the end of series its done. If we need to iterate again we should get a new Iterator.
New ListIterator is not required
Enumeration can be done only once. If you reach the end of series its done. If we need to iterate again we should get a new E.numerator

The interface Java.util.ListIterator extends java.util.Iterator interface.

public class Test {

public static void main (String args[])
List<String> list =new  ArrayList();
Iterator LS= list.Iterator();

while (LS.hasNext()) {
String s=(String);



public class Test {

public static void main (String args[])
List<String> list =new  ArrayList();
ListIterator LS= list.listIterator();

while (LS.hasNext()) {
String s=(String);



public class Test {

public static void main (String args[])
List<String> list =new  ArrayList();
//get the Enumeration object
   Enumeration e = Collections.enumeration(list);
   //enumerate through the ArrayList elements
   System.out.println("Enumerating through Java ArrayList");
   while(e.hasMoreElements()){  System.out.println(e.nextElement());
   } }

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Why clone method not visible in all of our class even we know that Object class is parent of all classes

Why  clone method not visible in all of our class  even we know that Object class is parent of all classes

When a protected member is inherited across package it becomes private member of inherited class

when a protected member is inherited within the same package it becomes default member of inherited class.

→  clone() from Object class is inherited into MyClass across package. Object class is in java.lang package and MyClass is in GoodQuestions package. So clone() method becomes a private member of MyClass class.
That explains why you are unable to access clone() method from TestSingleTon class.

Monday 25 November 2013

Difference between Hashtable and ConcurrentHashMap and HashMap

Difference between Hashtable and ConcurrentHashMap and HashMap

Not Synchronized
ConcurrentHashMap and CopyOnWriteArrayList implementations provide much higher concurrency while preserving thread safety, with some minor compromises in their promises to caller
Hashmap allow one null key and Multiple null value
Not allow null keys or null values
ConcurrentHashMap do not allow null keys or null values
Works in only Single thread models access
Once the size of hashtable becomes considerable large performance degrade because for iteration it has to be locked for longer duration.
Since ConcurrentHashMap introduced concept of segmentation , how large it becomes only certain part of it get locked to provide thread safety so many other readers can still access map without waiting for iteration to complete.
Not  Loked
Locked on Whole  Map
In Summary ConcurrentHashMap only locked certain portion of Map
You can make HashMap synchronized by wrapping it on Collections.synchornizedMap(HashMap) which will return a collection which is almost equivalent to Hashtable, where every modification operation on Map is locked on Map object

while in case of ConcurrentHashMap, thread-safety is achieved by dividing whole Map into different partition based upon Concurrency level and only locking particular portion instead of locking whole Map. by default  size is 16
HashMap only slightly better. in Single thread Environment
bad performance
ConcurrentHashMap is more scalable and performs better than Synchronized HashMap in multi-threaded environment
Collections.synchronizedMap and Collections.synchronizedList, provide a basic conditionally thread-safe implementation of Map and List. However, several factors make them unsuitable for use in highly concurrent applications  for example their single collection-wide lock is an impediment to scalability and it often becomes necessary to lock a collection for a considerable time during iteration to prevent ConcurrentModificationException.

Does not maintain Insertion order
it maintain Insertion order

Reference :-

Friday 8 November 2013

Difference between getAttribute() and getParameter()

Difference between getAttribute() and getParameter()

The getAttribute() method always returns you an object
.getParameter() method always returns an string.
A "parameter" is a name/value pair sent from the client to the server - typically, from an HTML form. Parameters can only have String values. Sometimes (e.g. using a GET request) you will see these encoded directly into the URL (after the ?, each in the form name=value, and each pair separated by an &). Other times, they are included in the body of the request, when using methods such as POST.

using request.setAttribute(). You can add any type of object you like here, Strings, Custom objects, in fact any object. You add the attribute to the request and forward the request to another resource, the client does not know about this. So all the code handling this would typically be in JSP/servlets. You can use request.setAttribute() to add extra-information and forward/redirect the current request to another resource.
An "attribute" is a server-local storage mechanism - nothing stored in scoped attribues is ever transmitted outside the server unless you explicitly make that happen. Attributes have String names, but store Object values. Note that attributes are specific to Java (they store Java Objects),
while parameters are platform-independent (they are only formatted strings composed of generic bytes).
There are four scopes of attributes in total: "page" (for JSPs and tag files only), "request" (limited to the current client's request, destroyed after request is completed), "session" (stored in the client's session, invalidated after the session is terminated), "application" (exist for all components to access during the entire deployed lifetime of your application).

The bottom line is: use parameters when obtaining data from the client, use scoped attributes when storing objects on the server for use internally by your application only.
the servlet/jsp sets and reads attributes for communicating among themselves
Typically, parameters are send by the user browser via HTTP GET/POST,

Difference between forward and sendRedirect

Difference between forward and sendRedirect

sendRedirect() sends a redirect response back to the client's browser. The browser will normally interpret this response by initiating a new request to the redirect URL given in the response
forward() does not involve the client's browser. It just takes browser's current request, and hands it off to another servlet/jsp to handle. The client doesn't know that they're request is being handled by a different servlet/jsp than they originally called.
If you want the browser to initiate a new request to a different servlet/jsp, or if the servlet/jsp you want to forward to is not in the same web application, use sendRedirect().
if you want to hide the fact that you're handling the browser request with multiple servlets/jsp, and all of the servlets/jsp are in the same web application, use forward() or include().
This is happend at Client Side .
This happened in Server side
In this case existing request and response are lost
In this case existing request and response are  preserve
in redirect, you can see the redirected address.
In forward, you will not see the forwarded address (since the browser is not involved)

When can we use forward and when can we use sendRedirect?

Technical scenario: redirect should be used
  1. If you need to transfer control to different domain
  2. To achieve separation of task.
For example, database update and data display can be separated by redirect. Do the PaymentProcess and then redirect to displayPaymentInfo. If the client refreshes the browser only the displayPaymentInfo will be done again and PyamenProcess will not be repeated. But if you use forward in this scenario, both PaymentProcess and displayPaymentInfo will be re-executed sequentially, which may result in incosistent data.

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