Wednesday 9 October 2013

Difference between save and persist method in Hibernate

Difference between save and persist method in Hibernate

  1. First difference between save and persist is there return type. Similar to save method persist also INSERT records into database but return type of persist is void while return type of save is Serializable object.
  2. Another difference between persist and save is that both methods make a transient instance persistent. However, persist() method doesn't guarantee that the identifier value will be assigned to the persistent instance immediately, the assignment might happen at flush time.
  3. One more thing which differentiate persist and save method in Hibernate is that is their behavior on outside of transaction boundaries. persist() method guarantees that it will not execute an INSERT statement if it is called outside of transaction boundaries. save() method does not guarantee the same, it returns an identifier, and if an INSERT has to be executed to get the identifier (e.g. "identity" generator), this INSERT happens immediately, no matter if you are inside or outside of a transaction.

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