Tuesday 8 October 2013

What is Portlet name Space

Portlet namespace

1.                                namespace is basically a concept which help us in uniquely differentiate among all instance of the same portlet that deployed in portal server its portal container responsibility that it always produce a unique namespace for an instance of a portlet.
2.                                Here I am using instance word its means that if I am using same portlet let say A diployed on two. different page or same page then name space must be different .

3.                                Namespacing ensures that the given name is uniquely associated with this portlet and avoids name conflicts with other elements on the portal page or with other portlets on the page.

Use of Name spaces .

To use it you must import standard portlet library

<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/portlet" prefix="portlet" %>

This tag produces a unique value for the current portlet:


This tag produces a unique value for the current portlet. Namespacing ensures that the given name is uniquely associated with this portlet and avoids name conflicts with other elements on the portal page or with other portlets on the page.



</javascript >
<A HREF="javascript:<portlet:namespace/>test()">Encoded name</a>

note you can also use this method to get default name space .


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