Tuesday 15 October 2013

What are the Port let Modes Provided by Default

There are mainly only 3 Modes are by default
1 VIEW → Normal View
2 EDIT → This Mode is used for user Customization
3 HELP → Providing Help section in Portlet
Rad provide 2 more option while creating Basic portlet but in reality that are Custom Modes and that are
4 EditSharedSetting → Default User Customization
5 Configure → Administrative Console   

1 comment:

  1. Ramesh siluveni11/19/2017 12:13:00 pm

    Hi ,

    We have impersonation concept in my portal.
    I mean one user can impersonate another user who should have access to portal.
    After Impersonating a user if he should have access to multilple regions he can switch the region from one region to another.Assume the user pref site is (logged in site) R3 , if he has access to R1 also then he can switch to R1. After switching to R1 will be having the end Impersonation also.Once after ending Impersonation ImpersonationLogoutFilter provided by portal will be executed.If I impersonate the previous user again its not navigating to his prefferred region I mean R3. But the portal is navigating to R1 site(current site) but it should not. Why because in Impersonation logout filter we do not have logic of updating the profile. How can I acheive it ,please let me know


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